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Crazy Colin:

Always Turning His Back on Israel Always Turning His Back on Israel

Crazy Colin:

Always Turning His Back on Israel Always Turning His Back on Israel



Voted against the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, which specified that no federal funding may be used to withhold, halt, reverse, or cancel the delivery of defense articles or defense services to Israel


Voted against censuring Representative Rashida Tlaib for promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel


Voted against a Motion to Recommit to H.R. 3237, which would have provided billions to the Iron Dome as Hamas was targeting Israeli civilians


Voted against an effort to consider sanctions on Hamas as the Iranian-backed terrorist group fired thousands of missiles at Israel


Voted to give U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority, potentially funding lifetime salaries for Palestinians who carry out terrorist attacks against Israel


Voted against a motion to condemn the BDS movement and voted against a motion to require certain pension plans to not engage in Israel boycotts


Praised an Imam that has a long history of anti-Israel rhetoric and anti-Israel ties, including wishing for a third Palestinian Intifada, or violent uprising, likened Israeli troops to Nazis, and wishing for the end of Zionism, calling Zionists “the enemies of God”


Received thousands in donations from anti-Israel activists who have called for the release of terrorists and have praised the October 7 Hamas invasion of Israel

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