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Crazy Colin:

Recklessly Spending Texans' Taxes Recklessly Spending Texans' Taxes

Crazy Colin:

Recklessly Spending Texans Taxes Recklessly Spending Texans Taxes



Allred voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, which could raise taxes by $20B on people making less than $400k per year, and hire 87,000 new IRS agents to target the middle-class

  • $6.5 Billion Natural Gas Tax Increase
  • $12 Billion Crude Oil Superfund Tax Tied to Inflation
  • $1.2 Billion Coal Superfund Excise Tax
  • $74 Billion Stock Tax Hitting 401(k)s, IRAs and Pension Plans
  • $225 Billion Corporate Income Tax Hike


Allred voted for the Build Back Better Act that could have led to about $1 trillion in tax hikes on American workers and businesses, resulting in one of the highest tax rates in the developed world


Allred declared his support for Medicare for All

  • A 2019 study by the Urban Institute found that for any single-payer plan they analyzed, households will face increased taxes to pay for them including Medicare for All. It found that, in general, as more costs are covered by the federal government instead of private entities, federal taxes will go up.
  • Medicare for all would increase federal government spending by $32 trillion over 10 years
  • Experts on rural hospitals across the country — including Texas — report that Medicare for All would force them to close their doors

Allred opposed the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

  • The 2017 GOP tax cuts saved the average family in his district (TX-32) over $3,300
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